Acquire a skill in short period of time

Are you trying to acquire new skill set ? or Are you finding difficulty in learning something that you never done before?
Actually most of us are struggling in adapting new skills even though some people learn thing pretty easily whereas others find it difficult to learn . The problem is never with brain type it is all about the technique or method you adapt to learn new skills. It is because brain only compute information from the available data pool so if it has inefficient data pool the effectiveness of the information also decade
But improving the pool helps in better performance which is done by selecting the best way of learning skills such that it can be stored in long term memory of our brain rather than short term memory. In gaming world , to get a skill or weapon we have to level up the avatar performance by playing the games which is same in real life i.e. more you spend learning the more you have experience  in that skill.

Learn core concept or basics first

Daily a hour

Questioning everything you learning

Get Help from resources

Test yourself to know what you acquire till now

Boost performance : Know more from Expert talks

Spread knowledge you know 
