
Showing posts from July, 2016


Munshi Premchand Quotes Premchand, better known as Munshi Premchand , Munshi (Born on 31 July, 1880 ) was an Indian writer famous for his modern Hindustani literature and was regarded as the greatest writer in Hindi Literature.His many works had  mainly focused on the position of the society and their struggles.Well in our childhood days we have thoroughly read his stories and poems.The one of the stories i.e two buffaloes,  I still remembers. Well here are starting lines जानवरों में गधा सबसे ज्यादाबुध्दिहीन समझा जाता है। हम जब किसी आदमी को पल्ले दर्जे का बेवकूफ कहना चाहते हैं,तो उसे गधा कहते हैं। गधा सचमुच बेवकूफ है, या उसके सीधेपन, उसकी निरापद सहिष्णुता ने उसे यह पदवी दे दी है, इसका निश्चय नहीं किया जा सकता। गायें सींग मारती हैं, ब्यायी हुई गाय तो अनायास ही सिंहनी का रूप धारण कर लेती है। कुत्ता भी बहुत गरीब जानवर है,लेकिन कभी-कभी उसे भी क्रोध आ ही जाता है। किन्तु गधे को कभी क्रोध करते नहीं सुना, न देखा। जितना चाहे गरीब को मारो, चाहे जैसी खराब, सडी...

#DoGoodThings- Inspiration quotes from Mother Teresa

Quotes from Mother Teresa People are born with kindness never with cruelty.But somewhere in their pathway of life they forget those kindness and fills themselves with anger,sorrow and cruelty. Actually kindness never taken away but it fades with time and regain its ability when you do good thing. Mother Teresa herself said that "if you cannot feed hundred then just feed one" this is what all you need to give and get a smile how simple is that which you cannot buy from millions you can do with just one act of kindness. There is a perception that i am the only person who suffer but does it really true. No, there are far worse happen to people than you ever imagined but you never meet them in person.Some of them get the ability to accept the fate and start over. But of some its very difficult to accept those terms in life. Don't let the goodness fade away #DoGoodThings

#Augmented #Reality-A step into digital reality

Augmented Reality #What Is Augmented Reality Augmented Reality  is technology through which digital application are integrated with real time environment. It is a far different concept than the term you have most have heard of virtual reality which is an totally artificial environment which is created digitally.It is an overlay process of both the user environment and the digital world through which the experience you can get is far better and jaw opening .Hardware components for augmented reality are: processor, display, sensors and input devices for  processing recorded  data for better real time experience. #History In 1901: L. Frank Baum , an author, first mentions the idea of an electronic display/spectacles that overlays data onto real life (in this case 'people'), it is named a 'character marker'.And after may theory and work has been published but the first real working model is developed in  1992 by Louis Ros...

#Healthy #thoughts -What's Your Small Action

Small action can change the world World is a place of coexistence. What we seen ? Inspire us to do the same by the process of learning which we termed to be evolution. Evolution is the success through which one can have the inspiration to the change the world.Which means that a action is necessary.If you what to evolve ? Just do it dude never mind how small action it may be.If you aspire in an positive way or in a negative way because i did believe that you cannot forcefully apply your thoughts on other as it never ends up in a good way.

#yaradiprograming Algorithm for reaching college

Algorithm for reaching college if(car) { switch(car) { case 1 : "Mithuns drive" Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 1 hours"); break; case 2 : "Ketan drive" Sytem.out.println("Reach college in 45 minutes"); break; default:"Toyash drive" System.out.println("Never reach college"); break; } }else if(bike) { if(toyash bike) { switch(bike) { case 1 : "If Mithuns ride" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 1 hours"); }catch(MithunDreamingException e){e.printstacktrace();} catch(ToyashFellException e){e.printstacktrace();} break; case 2 : "Ketan drive" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 45 minutes"); }catch(SitTightException e){e.printstacktrace();} catch(Sector15stoppageExceptiononReturn e){e.printstacktrace();} break; case 3:"Toyash drive" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach col...





#MemoryPoems - Veer Tum Badhe Chalo

वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! हाथ में ध्वजा रहे बाल दल सजा रहे ध्वज कभी झुके नहीं दल कभी रुके नहीं वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! सामने पहाड़ हो सिंह की दहाड़ हो तुम निडर डरो नहीं तुम निडर डटो वहीं वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! प्रात हो कि रात हो संग हो न साथ हो सूर्य से बढ़े चलो चन्द्र से बढ़े चलो वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! एक ध्वज लिये हुए एक प्रण किये हुए मातृ भूमि के लिये पितृ भूमि के लिये वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! अन्न भूमि में भरा वारि भूमि में भरा यत्न कर निकाल लो रत्न भर निकाल लो वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो !