
Showing posts from 2016

#BeAChange #Healthy #thoughts

A change is always expected in your lifetime no matter how big or small the change might be but it will help you grow more from what you have been before. "Be A Change"

#Healthy #thoughts

Don't  waste which you have so much with you, why don't you try to live it. Since this is something only you alone can achieve and  neither one can  force you to do that.

#Healthy #Thoughts

It's from one of the thoughts that Albert Einstein said on imagination as its is same as important than that of logic's. Its the imagination that helps the Disney to be what it is today ,same as if Steve jobs never thought of typography then we still have selected font in our personal computer. So balance your logic and imagination and give the world a new reason to look forward.  "So where are you going with your imagination today"   

#Healthy #thoughts

Healthy Thoughts Learning is something that has no validity and keeps on increasing when you grow younger and little becomes unstable in your older days but still its help you to achieve greatness. If you learn or not you will definitely grow but if you learn you embrace with opportunities otherwise  if you never want to learn anything, the world will look at you with a different perspective.  " MORE YOU LEARN MORE YOU GROW "

#RapidTechChange - Brief Thought

Today, the world has attained a much enhancing speed in innovation and building technologies than ever before, It's just takes a month to introduce new product with enhance capabilities in each and every field of technologies. It introduces you to a whole new aspects of enhance technologies which you never thought of in way such that a non technical person can also understand how to use those things within in a span of time. What makes this possible ? Well it's the maximum utilization of resources and connectivity which in not feasible in early years. With the approach crossing its own boundaries manages to attain something this great which made an individual more capable for obtaining information which provides the essential details to develop something new all you need is a laptop and an internet connection and you are connected to the world. The collaboration of technology and information is giving an new shape to the traditional devices a much smarter way to


Munshi Premchand Quotes Premchand, better known as Munshi Premchand , Munshi (Born on 31 July, 1880 ) was an Indian writer famous for his modern Hindustani literature and was regarded as the greatest writer in Hindi Literature.His many works had  mainly focused on the position of the society and their struggles.Well in our childhood days we have thoroughly read his stories and poems.The one of the stories i.e two buffaloes,  I still remembers. Well here are starting lines जानवरों में गधा सबसे ज्यादाबुध्दिहीन समझा जाता है। हम जब किसी आदमी को पल्ले दर्जे का बेवकूफ कहना चाहते हैं,तो उसे गधा कहते हैं। गधा सचमुच बेवकूफ है, या उसके सीधेपन, उसकी निरापद सहिष्णुता ने उसे यह पदवी दे दी है, इसका निश्चय नहीं किया जा सकता। गायें सींग मारती हैं, ब्यायी हुई गाय तो अनायास ही सिंहनी का रूप धारण कर लेती है। कुत्ता भी बहुत गरीब जानवर है,लेकिन कभी-कभी उसे भी क्रोध आ ही जाता है। किन्तु गधे को कभी क्रोध करते नहीं सुना, न देखा। जितना चाहे गरीब को मारो, चाहे जैसी खराब, सडी हुई घास सामने

#DoGoodThings- Inspiration quotes from Mother Teresa

Quotes from Mother Teresa People are born with kindness never with cruelty.But somewhere in their pathway of life they forget those kindness and fills themselves with anger,sorrow and cruelty. Actually kindness never taken away but it fades with time and regain its ability when you do good thing. Mother Teresa herself said that "if you cannot feed hundred then just feed one" this is what all you need to give and get a smile how simple is that which you cannot buy from millions you can do with just one act of kindness. There is a perception that i am the only person who suffer but does it really true. No, there are far worse happen to people than you ever imagined but you never meet them in person.Some of them get the ability to accept the fate and start over. But of some its very difficult to accept those terms in life. Don't let the goodness fade away #DoGoodThings

#Augmented #Reality-A step into digital reality

Augmented Reality #What Is Augmented Reality Augmented Reality  is technology through which digital application are integrated with real time environment. It is a far different concept than the term you have most have heard of virtual reality which is an totally artificial environment which is created digitally.It is an overlay process of both the user environment and the digital world through which the experience you can get is far better and jaw opening .Hardware components for augmented reality are: processor, display, sensors and input devices for  processing recorded  data for better real time experience. #History In 1901: L. Frank Baum , an author, first mentions the idea of an electronic display/spectacles that overlays data onto real life (in this case 'people'), it is named a 'character marker'.And after may theory and work has been published but the first real working model is developed in  1992 by Louis Rosenberg he develops one of th

#Healthy #thoughts -What's Your Small Action

Small action can change the world World is a place of coexistence. What we seen ? Inspire us to do the same by the process of learning which we termed to be evolution. Evolution is the success through which one can have the inspiration to the change the world.Which means that a action is necessary.If you what to evolve ? Just do it dude never mind how small action it may be.If you aspire in an positive way or in a negative way because i did believe that you cannot forcefully apply your thoughts on other as it never ends up in a good way.

#yaradiprograming Algorithm for reaching college

Algorithm for reaching college if(car) { switch(car) { case 1 : "Mithuns drive" Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 1 hours"); break; case 2 : "Ketan drive" Sytem.out.println("Reach college in 45 minutes"); break; default:"Toyash drive" System.out.println("Never reach college"); break; } }else if(bike) { if(toyash bike) { switch(bike) { case 1 : "If Mithuns ride" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 1 hours"); }catch(MithunDreamingException e){e.printstacktrace();} catch(ToyashFellException e){e.printstacktrace();} break; case 2 : "Ketan drive" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach college in 45 minutes"); }catch(SitTightException e){e.printstacktrace();} catch(Sector15stoppageExceptiononReturn e){e.printstacktrace();} break; case 3:"Toyash drive" try{ Sytem.out.println(" Reach col





#MemoryPoems - Veer Tum Badhe Chalo

वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! हाथ में ध्वजा रहे बाल दल सजा रहे ध्वज कभी झुके नहीं दल कभी रुके नहीं वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! सामने पहाड़ हो सिंह की दहाड़ हो तुम निडर डरो नहीं तुम निडर डटो वहीं वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! प्रात हो कि रात हो संग हो न साथ हो सूर्य से बढ़े चलो चन्द्र से बढ़े चलो वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! एक ध्वज लिये हुए एक प्रण किये हुए मातृ भूमि के लिये पितृ भूमि के लिये वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! अन्न भूमि में भरा वारि भूमि में भरा यत्न कर निकाल लो रत्न भर निकाल लो वीर तुम बढ़े चलो ! धीर तुम बढ़े चलो !


Breakfast Origin :If you divide this compound word into two parts, you'll see it's made up of “break” and “fast.” To fast means to go without food. So “breakfast” means to break the fast you've been observing since you went to sleep the night before! History says: In the European Middle Ages, breakfast was not usually considered a necessary and important meal, and was practically nonexistent during the earlier medieval period.By the 15th century breakfast often included meat. By this time, noble men were seen to indulge in breakfast, making it more of a common practice, and by the early 16th century, recorded expenses for breakfast became customary. The 16th-century introduction of caffeinated beverages into the European diet was part of the consideration to allow breakfast. That's a really good way to remember Lunch Origin : "mid-day repast," 1786, shortened form of luncheon (q.v.). The verb meaning "to take to lunch&qu

#WhatsApp #Desktop - Reach to Home Computers

Source: WhatsApp Blog Today we're introducing a desktop app so you have a new way to stay in touch anytime and anywhere - whether on your phone or computer at home or work. Like WhatsApp Web, our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device. The new desktop app is available for Windows 8+ and Mac OS 10.9+ and is synced with WhatsApp on your mobile device. Because the app runs natively on your desktop, you'll have support for native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and more. To download the app, visit from your desktop browser. Then, open the app and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone (look for WhatsApp Web menu under Settings). Just like WhatsApp Web, the new desktop app lets you message with friends and family while your phone stays in your pocket.

#Healthy #Thoughts


#MemoryPoems - Frog and the Nightingale

Once upon a time a frog Croaked away in Bingle Bog Every night from dusk to dawn He croaked awn and awn and awn Other creatures loathed his voice, But, alas, they had no choice, And the crass cacophony Blared out from the sumac tree At whose foot the frog each night Minstrelled on till morning night Neither stones nor prayers nor sticks. Insults or complaints or bricks Stilled the frogs determination To display his heart's elation. But one night a nightingale In the moonlight cold and pale Perched upon the sumac tree Casting forth her melody Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog And the whole admiring bog Stared towards the sumac, rapt, And, when she had ended, clapped, Ducks had swum and herons waded To her as she serenaded And a solitary loon Wept, beneath the summer moon. Toads and teals and tiddlers, captured By her voice, cheered on, enraptured: "Bravo! " "Too divine! " "Encore! "

#INSERTKEY (INS) - Did you forget Me ?

The Insert key (often abbreviated INS) is a key commonly found on computer keyboard. Previously, this button is the most irritated button when you press it then the normal cursor turns into a block cursor and also its function is a bit different from the normal cursor. Sounds sensible, right? Well it was until people started pressing it by accident and staring incredulously at the ruinous effect it had on their Word documents. It was annoying. In fact, it was so annoying that in 2007 Microsoft disabled it by default in Microsoft Word.Essentially, it only has a couple of functions, neither of which are all that important in the grand scheme of things, but if you are a die-hard word processing enthusiast, you may want to know, so here’s what it can do. When the cursor inserts a character at its current position, forcing all characters past it one position furthers.  For example, if the normal cursor  is placed in front of any text, as you type, text is inse

#Healthy #thoughts- Quotes of Abraham Lincoln


Ek Beej Tha Gaya Bahut Hee Gaharaee Mein Boya - Nanha Paudha

HINDI VERSION एक बीज था गया बहुत ही गहराई में बोया उसी बीज के अंतर में था नन्हा पौधा सोया उस पौधे को मंद पवन ने आकर पास जगाया नन्ही नन्ही बूंदों ने फिर उस पर जल बरसाया सूरज बोला " प्यारे पौधे " ,निद्रा दूर भागो अलसाई आँखें खोलो तुम उठकर बहार आओ आँख खोल कर नन्हे पौधे ने तब ली अंगड़ाई एक अनोखी नयी शक्ति सी उसके मन में आई नींद छोड़ आलस्य त्याग कर पौधा बाहर आया बहार का संसार बड़ा ही अद्भुत उसने पाया.

#Healthy #thoughts

" Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Its a sign that you have a big heart, and that you aren’t afraid to let other see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength"

Making Bootable Pendrive with .bat file

Create Bootable USB to install Windows 7 or Boot from USB by running batch file Booting is a process or set of operations that loads and hence starts the operating system, starting from the point when user switches on the power button or it  is a process or set of operations that loads and hence starts the operating system, starting from the point when user switches on the power button . It is the basics in case you have to install an operating system in you home PC or personal systems. The term boot comes from the idea of lifting oneself by one's own bootstraps : the computer contains a tiny program (bootstrap loader) which will load and run a program found on a boot device. This program may itself be a small program designed to load a larger and more capable program, i.e., the full operating system. To enable booting without the requirement either for a mass storage device or to write to the boot medium, it is usual for the boot program to use some system RAM as a RAM

A Must Read Poem In drear nighted December - Childhood Memories

      In drear Nighted December   ( John Keats, 1795 - 1821 ) In drear nighted December, Too happy, happy tree, Thy branches ne’er remember Their green felicity The north cannot undo them Nor frozen thawings glue With a sleety whistle through them From budding at the prime. Apollo’s summer look; In drear-nighted December, Too happy, happy brook, Thy bubblings ne’er remember About the frozen time. But with a sweet forgetting, They stay their crystal fretting, Never, never petting The feel of not to feel it, Ah! would ‘twere so with many A gentle girl and boy But were there ever any Writh’d not of passed joy? Was never said in rhyme. When there is none to heal it Nor numbed sense to steel it,

#Healthy #thoughts

" You must make a choice to take a chance or  your life will never change. "

#F8 #Conference- Facebook 10 Years Road Map

Facebook has come up with a hole new concepts of development products for the developers through his 10 years road map.They are in the verge of changing their products into the ecosystems and introduction of the new technologies which pushes the world in a whole new way.  Its take courage to hope over fear Facebook Messenger has been introduced its bot framework( An Internet  bot , also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply  bot , is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. Typically,  bots  perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone ) such that it improves business solution in the Messenger. It's improves the interaction between the business and the audience  and create you can create a custom experience for your unique audience. The Messenger Platform gives you the ability to have conversations with people on Messenger. They have added new to

#Healthy #thoughts

"Your future is defined by what you do today not  tomorrow. "



R-W-W (Real, Win, Worth it ) - Boost your idea

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door" - Milton Berle What is Entrepreneurship ? Joseph Schumpeter (1910) surveyed the relevant literature about entrepreneurs and brought up the term “entrepreneurship”. He believed that entrepreneurship is the cause for discovering, driving new combinations of production factors and create social economy. Since then, entrepreneurship has obtained the respect of academic communities. Wiki  says is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business, i.e. a startup company offering a product, process or service. It has been defined as the "...capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.          " The entrepreneur is "a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Rather than working as an employee, [an entrepreneur] runs a

#Healthy #thoughts

"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship  unless  it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't destroy you  unless you allow it to get inside you. "

Walkies Talkie in Android (Real time not achieved)

Download Full Source code from GitHub Walkie-Talkie Overview This application is being developed of two users only but if you want it can be extend for almost 20 users.Now the file is the core of all the operation in which both the client service and the server service have been defined and in the resource folder you are able to find the UI of the application. In case of UI it can only one ImageButton  ( Basically used in places where  you required  clickable images so that it can perform every function of simple buttons). Its source it being linked to a drawable folder in which selector is being used such that you can differentiate between if you are sending the voice or receiving the voice. In case of sending the voice the image color is being changed to green and do nothing which remain in its original color. Whereas in case of the source code there are three main operation which are being performed one is the server side performance and other one is clien